1 min read

Housing in West Oxfordshire: The Local Plan

How do we want West Oxfordshire to look in the coming decades? We're at a critical juncture and we all need to make sure it develops the way we want.

The next seven weeks are a chance for everyone who lives in West Oxfordshire to focus on the big picture: West Oxfordshire's 'Local Plan.' In 2018, the Conservatives (who both nationally and locally depend on property developers for political donations) signed us up for 10,000 houses. We're trying to get that number reduced to a more reasonable level, make sure that there is infrastructure in place to support the new houses that are built (so that we're not always stuck in traffic on the A40 or watching our rivers fill with sewage) and wrest control from property developers over where houses are built. It is a fight but we're getting there.

Here's the information on possible options of how and where development could take place as well as a chance to have your say (the deadline is October 25th). If you sign up on the West Oxfordshire District Council website, you can make comments.

The future of West Oxfordshire: possible ways of organizing new housing

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Published and promoted by Neil Fawcett on behalf of Charlie Maynard (Liberal Democrats), C5 Grange Court Business Park, Barton Ln, Abingdon OX14 3NB